For the Renaissance bass the following set is proposed:
- the cantino is a Ritorta di Salle,
- the La a Cantino di Napoli,
- the Mi a Cordoncino di Roma,
- the Do a Cordone di Roma,
- the low Sol and Re a Cordone Cordedrago.
The set has a 10% discounted cost compared to a similar custom frame and refers to the calculation of string gauges at a vibrating length of cm.74.
However, it is possible to choose different types of strings and gauges at full price in the menu "Prices", for example by placing a Cantino di Napoli as first string (in which case we recommend lowering the string one tone when the instrument is not used) and instead of the Sol and Re Cordoni Cordedrago a Copper loaded string.
Set proposed:
Single strings: