For those who want to order a complete set of lute strings, or simply buy individual strings, we kindly ask you to independently calculate the diameter of the strings based on your needs for tension, tuning, vibrating length, pitch, and this via an online string calculator, such as Niskanen lute string calculator.
Once the strings have been calculated, we ask you to fill out a clear scheme in which you indicate: note, diameter, vibrating length, type of string.
As regards the choice of the type of string, please refer to the suggestions below. We are available for advice on this matter, but for a maximum of a couple of emails. Beyond that, an advance payment of Euro 50 is required, given that in the past some lutenists have abused our availability, with continuous second thoughts and requests.
If you do not use the payment in the cart, but place your order by email, you are also asked to indicate: name, surname, address, VAT number if applicable, telephone number and email address.
NOTE: copper loaded strings are thinner than bare gut strings by about 15/18%, but it is impossible to establish precisely what gauge they will have, which will certainly be higher than that of a string wound in metal wire. Therefore, IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO HAVE A LUTHIER ENLARGE THE HOLES OF THE PEGS AND THE BRIDGE.
TO ORDER LOADED STRINGS YOU MUST TELL US THE THEORETICAL DIAMETER OF THE STRING, THAT IS, THAT OF THE BARE GUT STRING, calculated with the online string calculators. Obviously, the loaded string will have a smaller diameter according to the percentages already mentioned.
No returns are made in the case of instruments that have holes unsuitable for loaded strings.
The gut strings for the lute family must be differentiated according to the various acute medium and bass registers, as evidenced by historical sources, in particular Thomas Mace and John Dowland, who distinguish various sorts, or types of strings, which are reproduced as follows.
For first strings or cantini we recommend using Ritorte di Salle for the tensile strength of these strings and their low cost.
For the acute and middle register and for the octaves we recommend the Cantini di Napoli, which have a beautiful sound.
For bass strings you can use the Cordoncini di Roma up to 130 gauge and beyond the Cordoni di Roma; unfortunately, due to health reasons, I cannot sell the Red Pistoys, but are available Copper loaded, which are thinner than Cordoni di Roma, and very resonant (they are about 15/18% thinner than bare gut strings).
To establish the gauge of the strings or calculate the spacing of the strings on the fretboard it is advisable to install the excellent Niskanen string calculator, very simple and very easy to use.
Once you have established the necessary gauges and the most suitable types of strings, you can use the "add to cart" buttons in the "Prices" menu to complete the order, or you can send an e-mail with the detailed list to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding the bordoni for the theorbo, given the greater length, it is not necessary to use copper loaded strings, therefore Cantini di Napoli up to 105 in diameter are sufficient, and more you can use Cordoncini di Roma or Cordoni di Roma. It is recommended to order the correct length in the cart and, if a string longer than 180 cm is required, to communicate it via email.