For the setting up of the violone in Sol a set is proposed in which the two basses Do and Sol are missing because the Silver Wound are no longer in production, however you can select as supplementary strings, instead of wound, of the Copper loaded or Cordoni di Roma.
The set of strings proposed:
- a Cantino di Napoli for the cantino,
- a Cordoncino di Roma for the Re,
- the Cordoni di Roma for the La and the Fa.
For the setting up of the violone in Re a set is proposed consisting only of a Cordoncino of Rome for the Re, of the Cordoni di Roma for the La and the Mi; instead of the Silver wound for the lower strings, as above, supplement the mount possibly with Cordoni di Roma or Copper loaded.
Please order the strings via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., because prices indicated for the strings under voice "Prices" must be multiplied by 1.5.