Only for 2024, anyone who scraps their set of plastic strings for lute, archlutes and theorbos, by sending them to us, will be entitled to a 35% discount on Ritorte di Salle, Cantini di Napoli and Cordoni di Roma, and 20% on other strings!

Choose quality, do your lute a favor, let it express the voice it has inside!


PLEASE ORDER VIA MAIL TO This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. NOT USING CART. SPECIFY YOUR NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER AND VAT, IF YOU HAVE IT.

Cordoncini di Roma gauges from 140 to 160, cm 120. Discount 30%

Cordoni di Roma gauges from 190 to 220, cm 120. Discount 30%

Cantini di Napoli gauges from 95 to 115, cm 120. Discount 30%

Cantini di Napoli gauges from 95 to 110, cm 140. Discount 30%